On January 27th in Tbilisi, a man attempted suicide at the IDP Agency. According to Radio Liberty, “65 percent of the man’s body is burned after he doused himself with fuel and set himself on fire at the IDP Agency building”. The patient is currently in the intensive care unit of the burn center with damaged airways. According to witnesses, the man arrived at the agency with his sister and requested a meeting.
The Movement for Abkhazia has published a statement requesting an explanation from the authorities: “Regarding the incident that occurred on January 27 in the yard of the IDP Agency – concerning an IDP who resorted to an extreme form of protest by dousing himself with gasoline and setting himself on fire. Due to high public interest, an immediate explanation is required about what caused the IDP to take such a horrific step and what is his current health condition?!”
Housing conditions for IDPs remain an acute problem in Georgia. There are approximately 270’000 internally displaced persons in the country, many of whom are still waiting for dignified housing. According to various studies, the IDP housing provision program is being implemented with significant deficiencies. Many displaced persons have been waiting for years to receive housing, while the condition of existing accommodations often fails to meet minimal standards.